Monday, June 29, 2009

American Monarchy

Hello again my friends. Today I will keep my topics short and to the point, as there are a couple issues I would like to discuss. The next week will be a very tense and crucial time, the riots in Iran continue, the possible missile launch from North Korea, the bankruptcy of the State of California, and the aftermath of President Obama’s health care “infomercial” on ABC. So let us continue, here is your world, in black and white.
Last Wednesday night ABC ran their special on President Obama’s health care plan. The show was hyped up to be a time of questions and answers, debate, and a bipartisan discussion about the health care system and on whether or not there should be changes. President Obama spent over 60% percent of the programs allotted time, giving long winded and seemingly “beat around the bush” answers. No new ideas or plans were presented, and even the anchors at times had to ask the President to keep his answers short. The hand-picked 164 person audience did not feature a single Republican. There was no “debate” or “opposing sides”, only the nodding heads of agreeing drones. When Obama gets the courage up to actually face real opposition and real questions, from both sides, maybe they will have another discussion panel actually featuring an opposing point of view from a knowledgeable Republican.
Tensions continue rising in Korea, as there was an organized mass rally to denounce the US. The communist regime vowed to increase their nuclear arsenal and promised a fire storm of nuclear retaliation if attacked by the US. Suspect North Korean weapon smuggling ship the Kang Nam, is still being followed by the USS John McCain, but no decision has yet been made on what to do about the ship. Every day, North Korea pushes more and more, making threats against the United States, and South Korea. It is obvious North Korea is trying to provoke a conflict, and the greatest fear would be the North Korean retaliation on South Korea. The supposed launch date of July 4th for a North Korean intercontinental ballistic missile bound for Hawaii is still in question. Because of the added missile defense systems in Hawaii, North Korea has threatened to bolster their nuclear weapons arsenal, saying the US is preparing for war.
Another very dire situation that has spawned since the recent election of Obama is that a recent poll in Israel shows that only 6% believe that Obama backs and supports Israel. This is almost a complete opposite view from what Israelis view of President Bush. As one of our most import allies it is vital to stay strong in our support of Israel, and thanks to the weak and spineless foreign policy our country is now operating under, their trust in us continues to dwindle.
Our nation continues in a downward spiral towards socialism, lead by a man who, and I quote, said "I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." (Obama during an October 2008 speech on defending his tax plans). A man who spends hundreds of thousands of dollars to fly to New York City for one night for a “date night” with his wife, as the rest of the country suffers under an economic recession. I ask you, go read the Declaration of Independence, view the atrocities that our forefathers suffered at the hands of a power hungry monarch, and tell me, is the title “President” or “King” more fitting for our current leader. Can we continue to disregard the outrageous encroachments on our freedoms? Can we sit by and do nothing?
“Where liberty dwells, there is my country”- Benjamin Franklin.
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. – The Declaration of Independence
May our revolution come swiftly, before we stray to far. The Tree of Liberty withers.

1 comment:

  1. If I may make a recommendation:

    great thoughts Jace, keep it up. :)
