Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Sunset

I decided in a slight respite of my political rantings to write something a bit more mellow, hope you all enjoy "The Sunset"

And as the glowing lines of fleeting light are swallowed by the coming shroud of darkness, I stand perplexed on if I shall behold such splendor ere again.
For as the sunlight dies away, like sinking ships awash, drowning now below the press of darkness rolling tide, slipping low the waves of coming night.
The heavens all adorn with colors cast, like bolts of lightning dipped in paint, then set on high for all to see, a rara avis with no match for greatness.
I wonder if my eyes will soon be blessed once more, with invitation to this angelic show, where upon my seat I watch in wonder as all creation join in play.
But wait! The play begins, the lights grow dim and noises cease, the stars all dance about the set, and I am but the audience, and all the world’s a stage.
The moon shines dim as if to clad all rolling hills and running streams, in sheets of silent light, least he wake the sleeping world before their slumber end.
Now sleep again dear sun, to rise upon the marrow, and we will wait in quite peace, content to laugh with winking stars on high.
But now I go, the show concluded, to dream until such time as I may once again be graced to see a sun ablaze turn night.

1 comment:

  1. WOW, this is wonderful! I love it. I can just picture you sitting there enjoying the beautiful show of nature! Oh, that I were sitting there in the quiet beauty with you!
